Somatic Counselling
About the practice of embodied couselling:
Soma means bodily, or the world as perceived from within.
We can connect to our Soma by accompanying the body through focussing our conscious awareness on sensations or the lack of sensations, through movement, touch, smell, thoughts, breath, memories and imaginations.
Through body movement, deep relaxation, touch, or other techniques like minfulness or sponatneous movement we can release muscle tension stored in the body to help the body and mind express and release emotions.
This form of therapy is practice, this is why it is an ongoing work and best to do over time. I find that it can be like learning a new language when we connect in a space somatically. I recommend having several sessions to have continuity and momentum together, but am also open to one off sessions alike.
If you are interested we can book a free initial 20 minutes call to get to know each other.

in person session is 90mins.
We beginn the session with a check in to land in the space together by either talking or a short somatic exercise.
Sessions will take shape through your intentions and wishes.
Through practices and bringing our awareness to your bodies processes, senses, feelings and emotions, we will connect to what is present for you.
We reflect together alongside you thoughts and hold our awareness continuously to your experience throughout the session.
In the end we will somatically and verbally integrate what came up in the session.
If you intend to have several sessions we will do a review after an agreed on amount of session and check in how you are feeling working together, if the sessions meet your needs and how you would like to countinue the work

Online session on zoom (60 mins)
In basic it follows the same structure as an inperson session, apart that touch can only happen through self touch. In an online session we connect differently but equally like an in person session through our shared presence. I advise people to set their space for a session, allow a bit of space for movement and a place to sit where your body is supported.